Tuesday, January 10, 2012


 We were fooling around at Blendtec (don't do that too much, I promise) and Spencer Taggart showed us this cool app on the iPhone using "Hollywood explosions". You basically roll a few seconds of video and choose your demise.  It is the funniest thing I have ever seen.  My son, Parke got the same app and between him and my step daughter, Kristina (on her iPod touch, spoiled kids) they were blowing up the dog, the other kids, me.  It was hilarious.

It is how I have felt the past few weeks.  My schedule is now getting very booked between TLES opening up and Blendtec, I asked Steph tonight when our next break was.  I am praying for spring break to get here.

On a technical geek side, I have been feeling that the editing software I have been religiously using for the past 12 years, Final Cut Pro, will be coming to an end. One thing I hate is change.  Not that it is stopping, but the recent version released this past summer shows that they are going to a more consumer side (for all those "filmmakers" on YouTube).  Problem is today's filmmaker is more a tech wizard brat kid who can point, shoot and edit... but really can't tell stories.  Just make pretty pictures.

Sorry for getting off the topic.  Point is... I will be switching to a new software.  So my assistant, Kyle and I will be going to NAB this year (in April) with a mission to find what will be our new edit platform.

Again, stop changing things!

1 comment:

Craig said...

Our video editor has complained about the changes as well. He's thinking about switching to Adobe Premiere which is supposed to be more like Final Cut used to be.