Monday, June 11, 2012

Delaying the Sequel

As you can see from this fine photo (it was late) the Nick has just finished playing a cowboy.

Actually, Nick Whitaker (The Last Eagle Scout) was in a hilarious musical at the Desert Star Theater in Murray called "The Princess Bridesmaid". It was hilarious, I seriously busted a gut. The Desert Star makes up plays based on real plays, musicals or movies, and messes around with them. I think a lot of it is improv. And, at least the show we saw (the final performance of that show) they got off script a lot, making it even funnier. Very fast paced.

Nick has been in many of the shows and I can see why, you have to have major ADHD to perform there.

The bad/good news from Nick was that he was leaving on a mission. I brought him in to do a few voice over pieces for the new cut of The Last Eagle Scout before I release the DVD and he told me it was a good thing I got him since he was leaving for two years.

I am proud of him, the only bad part was I wanted to make a sequel, but I am OK with it and have already started planning on what my next film is. BTW, The Last Eagle Scout will have a DVD release on September 11. I will probably have a few theatrical showings, but over all I am not going to pursue the theater showing much more. The theaters seem to be scared to touch this film. Or not ready for it. Not sure what the hold up is. But I think I know why.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:In bed

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