Monday, September 15, 2008


That is what my mother used to say when she tried to remind me that I hadn't mowed the lawn yet and it is 12 pm already and it's blazing hot outside (south Texas).  But I digress.  Next week, Steph and I will be going to Texas to start on our infomercial/viral campaign for South Padre Island.  After all of these hurricanes, we hope to breath life into this area.  I have also started casting for The Last Eagle Scout.  It is still very early and more casting sessions will unfold, but was great to finally see my script I have been working on for 5 years come to life.  We had great auditioners and look forward to others.  Also, we just finished shooting 3 new Will it Blends, one of which is promoting our appearance on a new Discovery Channel show called "Time Warp". We are supposed to be on the premiere show date (October 13th) so look for that.  I will keep you updated.