Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Ironically, this is a poster from my film, "The Last Eagle Scout". It hangs in the fictional school walls of Petty County High School (PCHS). It is a fake organization I created for the film that basically tells you what you can or can't eat, drink, dress, etc... all for you good. (Kind of an eerie foreshadowing of our possible health care take over).

But in this widely read blog, (that's all 3 of you) I will not be talking about the film, or the film business in this entry.

Ok, I am not SO retarded, but I do have neck and back problems that have accrued two weeks ago. Went to the chiropractor today and got results that state that my neck is out of alignment and I have a pinched nerve. That is why my back has been hurting for the last two weeks and my right arm has gone numb through Christmas.

I couldn't think of why this would happen, but then I was reminded that I was in a car wreck 3 and a half years ago and totaled Stephanie's car. (It needed to be totaled. What was funny was that I was switching cars with her at the time and told a friend as I got in to drive it that I should run it over a cliff and get her a new one... right before the accident!) I digress.

That is the only time we can pinpoint any "damage" done to my back. Three years of gradual decline in my neck has now caused me to go through therapy for the next... who knows how long.

I don't hate doctor's, I just hate the process of my life getting interrupted with "getting better". Just give me two aspirin and let me get back to work. I feel for those who have long term issues they have to deal with. It becomes a part of their life.

My mother just got diagnosed with ovarian cancer. So her life has to slow down and get that taken care of. She just finished a big operation that keeps her from doing things for about 5 weeks. I will be going down tomorrow to take my turn in taking care of the household.

My second ex-wife, Heather, had a rod inserted all up her back when she was a teenager. It always seemed slightly scary to me to see the remnant's of the surgery and a reminder of her limitations. What a trooper. I, myself, would probably have just voted for the pain and some medication, and let me be on my way.

But, for now, the pain on my back and deadening arm has forced me to succumb to the time for me to heal. I can't hardly play the drums! (At least there are no big concerts coming up yet.)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday/End of the year.

We had a wonderful holiday. Blending two families, especially with the different age ranges, is always a chore, and we usually have to keep the events fairly separate. But in this case, we decided that instead of opening a ton of presents, our present would be doing something different. I have never been snowmobiling before (I am usually a sunny, beach person, myself... I hate the snow).

We went to the Homestead for a few days. On Christmas morning, Santa showed up with snow clothes, just in time for us to be able to protect ourselves from the 0 degree weather we experienced while snowmobiling at 10,000 feet at Daniel's Summit Lodge. What a great experience. We rode about 25 miles in. Parke and Forrest were in front, Stephanie was in the middle with her daughter, Kristina, and I took the caboose with Emily and Michael.

It was interesting being so high in such a cold state. It was like I was on another planet and I don't dare take off my gloves or helmet. Plus we were above the clouds and the wind was blowing the fresh snow along side the ground. Very alien!

I will have to say that Stephanie was a crazy driver. For never having ridden a snowmobile, she often surprises me with an animal inside. I, on the other hand, have been carrying a bad back for about 2 weeks now, thinking it would go away with a simple massage or two. In fact, the opposite has been happening. My whole right arm has been going numb. So as I drive the snowmobile up the hill, my arm continues to be in pain. Needless to say, I have had to spend my nights in the hot tub... doctors orders.

All in all, it was a very successful trip. The kids got along (as well as kids get along) and we learned to appreciate new things in life.

When I returned, my good friend, Alan Peterson, sent me this link. Another badge of honor for the very successful Ad campaign known as Will it Blend. We were awarded number 8 of a decade of famous viral videos from Salon Magazine. (I guess that's great coming from an organization that thinks that "Yes We Can" should be awarded number 1... what ever).

Sunday, December 13, 2009


You can now FINALLY see the trailer on-line. We are not finished yet with the website. But we are close. We are looking at Jan 1 for the web site and September for the release of the film.

Much more work to do.

UPDATE: I am noticing that this video widescreen is going off the page. You may need to go to the youtube site and watch it in all its glory. You will miss half the picture.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yup! Trying to get everything done! That's why those 2 or 3 of you who actually read this blog haven't heard form me for a while. I am sure I am not the only one. But right now I am preparing a website that will show a bunch of photos and information on The Last Eagle Scout.

You see here a sample poster that I simply built in Word. It has already changed and it will not say "from the guy who did Will it Blend". That is for this blog only. (Plus, I was only fooling around).

I have passed everything over to "the professionals" (i.e. Ray) to get the ball rolling. I also have our ever-faithful grip (from the production) Holly Tucker on the prowl to assemble the film. She will have a rough cut hopefully by Christmas. Then after the holiday, Dan Hollister, Danna Tanner and I will go in and make the adjustments and add the effects, etc.

Clark Shaffer is now building the miniature buildings that we are going to explode in a few weeks (excited about that). I have ordered After Effects to take care of some of the smaller effects. I hope to have a full cut by February. We shall see...

Then, we will look at doing some test showings in March or so in places that know nothing about the film (thinking of Denver and Dallas for starters). I remember sitting through a test screening of The Work and The Glory in Richmond, Va. and learned a lot from that experience.

I am putting off release till September, for several reasons. The main reason is that release of an independent film is best in the winter (Jan-March) and the fall (late August-October). I am still hoping for a decent distribution deal from someone, but I hear that times have changed since I released Handcart 8 years ago. The days of making a film, getting it into a film festival and getting picked up are not at fruitful. The internet has much to do with that. So I must take my skills of producing the most successful ad campaign on the internet (Will it Blend) and use them on this film.

Friday, October 30, 2009


There are several things that remind me of this time of year. Some personal, others just memories. And for the 3 or 4 people who actually read this blog, I think it's OK for me to spill my guts a little (a little Halloween lingo, there).

First, this is probably the first time I have dressed up for Halloween in years. 20 years ago, while married to my first wife, I dressed up as Batman. I was excited to rent the new expensive costume, taken from the new-at-the-time first Batman movie released earlier that year. I had always wanted to be Batman since I was a kid. Unfortunately, I didn't have the body to fit in that large rubber suit. I looked silly.

15 years before that, I remember being disappointed in the Batman costume my mother made me. I wanted it to be just like the Adam West uniform. The plastic half-faced costumes from the drug store just wouldn't cut it. So my mother, bless her heart, attempted to make a Batman mask out of a hoodie-type hat. Again, I was disappointed.

It showed my perfection from what I saw on the big screen was always going to be there.

But this date has other meanings. It was Halloween 4 years ago that I returned to Utah after living in Virginia for a couple of years. It was a difficult time. For those who never knew, I was married a second time for a few short months. I won't go into the details, many of which I have since forgotten.

It was a very short happy time that ended very abruptly. I was married for 16 years, thinking it was eternal. But it ended so sudden, and I was in a place I have never been before. Single and divorced. So when it came to dating, I did everything wrong.

While still living in Virginia, and licking my wounds from the breakup, I jumped into dating and met a woman from Dallas. We had much in common and found being around her fairly exciting. I enjoyed the attention that I wasn't getting 16 years earlier. I ran off and married her without telling anyone. Then I pulled up my roots in Virginia and moved to Dallas, a place where I had only visited a few times, with no family of my own, no friends, and no job. I relied heavily on her.

But without going into details, it ended very quickly. Not knowing anyone in the area, I spent a lot of time at a nearby park where I conversed for hours over the phone with family, friends, her. Wondering what the hell I had just done. I was very lonely and knew I had to do something. I packed my things, with my tail between my legs, I drove onto the freeway on my way back to Virginia. Not more then 60 seconds on the freeway, I get a call to interview for a full-time job producing videos for a blender company back in Utah.

A full-time video producer job? That was an answer to prayer.

It was October 31st, 2005 that I drove up to Utah, with nothing but a car, my computer, my clothes, and a hope that this company will hire me. Needless to say, I got the job, got an apartment and started life over. The months that followed were tough.

It was also October 31st 2006 that we released our first Will it Blend on YouTube, and start what would be known by the Wall Street Journal as "the most successful ad campaign in the history of the internet", changing my life forever, along side the wonderful woman that I am married to today.

It was also this time of year, 2007, that I went back to visit the ghosts of that weird, forgotten time, and drive across the country, picking up the remainder of my goods I left in a storage unit in Dallas. Again, I spent time in that park that brought me company while I cried two years earlier, wondering how to get back with that woman I fell in love with. This time a little more happier, and more aware of my direction in life. She is happier and I am happier. And even though there are things I could argue about, I have learned it is not worth it. What is most important is the happiness we both seek. I wish her well...

It is now October 31st, 2009. I have made a new film, back to being the same nut-job I was born to be. And for the first time in probably 20 years, thanks to the energy brought my my lovely wife, Stephanie, I dressed up for Halloween. I gave up on being Batman and decided to play his nemesis (After all, I got the hair for it).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Adventures of Power

Stephanie and I met this guy last night named Ari Gold. I'm a little envious of is recent work. His new film "The Adventures of Power" is a comedy about air drumming (which is what I do in my car all the time). He actually filmed a big portion of the film in Utah and is now trying to get it promoted for showings. What I am envious of is his relationship to Rush. He got a cameo of Neil Peart in the film. Dang!

Anyway, I spent a while last night in a cafe talking to Ari about the release of his film and he will be showing it in Utah starting tomorrow at the Tower Theater in Salt Lake City. If you get a chance (all 3 or 4 of you who read this blog) come out and support Ari in his film.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


That's what I remember always hearing when I was a kid. My mom would say that when I would complain about something not getting done fast enough. If I wanted to make fresh baked cookies, if I wanted Christmas to come, if I wanted to learn to drive, date or make money. It was always "slowly, but surely". And there's no coincidence that my mom's name is Shirley.

Anyway, I digress. I am finally back into the editing of the film. I have cranked out a few scenes and I'm part of the way there. I am trying to be open minded to how the film is going to look and feel, knowing good and well that it won't be exactly how I imagine. In many cases, it is actually better. And I can see cutting things out that don't belong that I wish could keep. But my audience makes the final decision. In all reality, the editing can't go fast enough. I love what I am cutting and want to see more... NOW!

The artwork above is a temporary poster that we are putting everywhere. Dan Hollister put it together, he has done a great job with all that we have done. The "Be Prepared" he added seems to have a double meaning in the film. Kinda cool.

There is some interest starting to draw, of which I will not make public at this time. I want to say that this film can be big, especially of it's topical nature, but I also shouldn't say that. I have been let down before. So I am going to be more realistic this time around, but with my heart hoping for more.

We still have some miniature effects and close ups to shoot, but all in all, we are 99 percent there. We will also be shooting some promotional still shots soon. I am going to have fun with that. I better get them soon or my cast is going to grow a foot taller.

Will keep you updated soon, those 3 or 4 of you who actually read this post.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

POST-PRODUCTION... Are we there yet?

So things are kind of on hold. Funding is out and I am now raising some money. We are not over budget, just underfunded. I took a risk to get this film out on my own with what little money I had and am now in the middle of the "risk" part.

The film looks great! I have a new trailer that I show to people that is protected with a password, simply because I am using music that is great, but not mine. But all is well, otherwise. I am back to my day job at Blendtec and I'm daily going to people with money in a time when people are not ready to invest in anything. But that is kind of fun, actually. That just means that when the film is all done, I will have a large ownership of this film.

It's a fun movie with a heavy message. Mostly dealing with the loss of patriotism. (Oh, I am sooo sure that Sundance will take this.... not.) We are hoping to aim for a showing at the LDS Film Festival in January, even though there is no LDS themes at all in the film. Then, on to many other festivals and showings till later next year.

We shall see....

Monday, August 31, 2009


Wow... is all I can say. Many things changed for me on the making of this film. Not sure how to explain it. First off, I got so fatigued on this shoot that I fell asleep at 5pm on Saturday and didn't wake up till it was time for church the next day.

I also realized my limitations on film making and halfway through the film, I turned the cinematography over to Tahlee Booher, my long-time friend from college. I must say, with what I gave her to work with, she accomplished a lot. I officially decided to retire my Director of Photography status from film. I can occasionally shoot and will continue to do so for Blendtec, but otherwise, it wares me out. Plus I seem to be one of the older farts who can't seem to be up with the new production equipment fast enough because I am too busy creating stories and focusing on marketing.

I also have to give a lot of credit to my producer Danna Tanner, who held that production together with the scotch tape that I gave her. I am sure there were moments she wanted to strangle me for doing this or that. But all in all, we made it through.

Ironically, at the end of shooting, the bishopbric in my ward (church congregation) gave me a new calling... can you guess what it was? Scoutmaster.

We all laughed. My dad says that besides the bishopbric, the scoutmaster is about the busiest calling in the church. So many days outside of Sunday you have to work at it and pray for the support of the kids parents. I do love our boys. It's not a big troop and I have been scout master before. So it will be fun.

I was also amazed that I made it through the 4 week shoot. Everyone was awesome. I loved every actor and every crew member, it would not be fair to start naming names, but they know who they are. I was also sick everyday of the production. It was either fatigue or my throat hurt or sick to my stomach. Worrying about money, or time, this and that. Somehow things will turn out for the better when we get into post-production.

We have a preview circulating already that Dan Hollister has cut. He will be handling all our post. It's a great trailer, but we can't post it publicly because we have copy written music we don't have permission to use. It is mostly used to entice more investors and distributors.

That's the gig! If you are on Facebook, you will probably see the miriad of photos circulating. It is definitely an important film and will turn out well. Thanks to all, mostly my greatest crew member and cheerleader, my sweet wife, Stephanie.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Started August 3, filming till the 29th. I am sick to my stomach, but I seem to keep moving with someone on my back picking me up. I think I am a naturally lazy guy, I admit it. I love to sit around and think up great ideas, but want to see someone else execute them.

In all reality, my crew have been awesome! I would start naming names, but don't have the time to do so. The actors are incredible as well. I think most people around feel something special that we are producing. Most people working with me will whisper in my ear "we've been needing something like this".

That is a great testament to me. But I do have to realize one thing.... I am not making films for film makers. They come to get the free showing at the premiere, get the free DVD for their reel. I am making this film for the audience that actually pays the bills. Who are seeking the entertainment they are willing to spend money on, and waste their time watching my vision. It is all about them. I hope I serve them well.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Stephanie had the chance to attend an acting workshop for two days with Richard Hatch. For Stephanie, on the acting side, it was an amazing experience. (I was busy trying to get a film ready, so all I could do is let them in the door of the Creative Media Group stage).

After it was over, they went to dinner. I went and got Parke and his friend and we joined them at Applebees's. Richard and I talked the whole time (I felt bad I hogged his time). I am not one that can go and schmooz with the "stars". I'm honestly not very good at that. But Richard was very easy to talk to and he was very interested in what I was doing. I told him about Will it Blend and The Last Eagle Scout. He liked films with political undertones in it, and we agreed with a few issues, like the bailouts.

He is also a big fan of independent film and loves to see people get creative. He is starting a new reality shot called "What the Frack", something like that. It follows the underbelly of Hollywood.

Anyway, the first day of shooting The Last Eagle Scout is tomorrow. I have been sick for days and weeks, trying to get this film off the ground. There is so much to do. But between talking to Richard Hatch and talking to my dad tonight have both been inspiring. My dad told me the sick feeling is normal for anyone trying to risk moving on to better things. He gives me the regular advise he has always giving me for years... be of good cheer.

Monday, July 27, 2009


As of this weekend, we reached 200,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel of Will It Blend. We also are over 200 million views, or so. I have lost count and quit counting for time's sake. But the influence of the program has been all over the world, as you can see in this video.

I must warn you, this video a little FOUL. It is some mid-eastern version of South Park or something. I have never heard of this cartoon and don't remember giving permission for them to use Will It Blend footage. But it is an honor (I guess) to be featured in other people's work.

By the way, in one week from today, we start to film my next movie, "The Last Eagle Scout". I sure hope I can pull this off. I am actually a little scared and excited at the same time. We had a cast/crew BBQ last Saturday and really enjoyed every one's company. Must give the credit to my producer, Danna Tanner for her idea and work on getting that together.

We estimated about 70-80 people showed up (we have 60 speaking roles in the film, so it was well attended). I think many participants gained the spirit of what I am trying to do in making this film. There is definitely going to be a turn in American Cinema as things in our country are simultaneously going sour.

Let's hope we can make a difference.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WILL IT BLEND Goes to Moscow

The Will it Blend man himself, Tom Dickson, attempted talks with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Tom said that Medvedev was a big fan of Will it Blend and his favorite video was the Bic Lighters because of how Tom looked in the end (obviously a pun toward how he would like to see all Americans in the end, blown up by bic lighters).

But Tom was able to cool the waters with the Russian Prime Minister by giving him a Blendtec Total Blender. He stated that this gift was WAY better then the crap Obama gave him, and that he would be happy to sell all his nukes... on Ebay (Why not, that's where Palin sold the Alaskan corporate jet).

All kidding aside, I guess Tom will be going to Moscow to perform Will it Blend Live. We will probably be producing an announcement video for YouTube. So I couldn't help but to make this great work of art (I did the head, Jonathan did the blender.)

Will it Blend continues to live... (click on the photo to see closer view)

Monday, June 29, 2009


I was fooling around around the Blendtec warehouse (and that is where some of the best ideas come, is from fooling around), knowing that I have just a few weeks left before shooting my new film.

We have scooters in the warehouse at Blendtec and I wrote in a chase scene for The Last Eagle Scout that reminded me of that last Batman movie. I by no means have that kind of budget, but feel that I can pull some things off. So here is a test of me strapping the camera to the scooter and riding around the warehouse.

It is BORING, I am going to warn you now, but it is posted for a select few people to see it. Figured you might get a kick out of it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


The headquarters for the Boy Scouts of America is located in Irving, Texas and so I met with them and we talked about my film, The Last Eagle Scout.  At first, they were a little taken back by the storyline.  Then, they persisted to know whether I was a participator in scouting at all. I told them that I was Mormon and served with the scouts in one calling or another in the scouting program for the past 12 years. 

They said they held high regard for the church, especially during the turbulent times in court 8 years ago.  They officially chose not to support my project, but told me that they could not stop me from making my film.  Their only concern was that I represented the scouts with dignity.  I hope to do that.  

Obviously, the BSA are not in the film business.  I realized that when I sent them a script all marked up with all the references to the BSA, but they didn't even have time to read it.  My contact did say that if they watch the film and like it, they may think differently about supporting it.  To this, I totally understand.

So off to pre-production we go.  We officially have 2 months till shoot time.  I am nervous as I can be.  But eager to make this the best film I can.  I will do my best to take out the "pop" and focus on the filmmaking.

Our crew will be small so as to be able to move fast.  But the cast is large for an independent film.  60 speaking parts, several hundred extras, 23 shooting days and a lot of Advil.  Wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am pretty lucky that my birthday usually lands near the early summer, blockbuster movies.  This year, I had a little party at the new Cinemark theater in Orem with a few close friends, watching the new Star Trek movie.  (I would have invited all of you, but I was paying for it).  This new theater is all digital and has a party room.  It had movie memorabilia all around, cake and ice cream, and my faithful friend Paul Green got me all 4 Star Trek movie glasses from Burger King (whohoo!).  

Yes, I am a nerd.  I like Star Trek for the endless story possibilities, interesting characters and also ways to instantly see other societies that may never exist and how they solve problems.   

I never got into learning Klingon or memorize the stardate of each episode.  But I mostly got into Star Trek when I was 14, I was aimlessly looking at the phone directory of our church congregation and noticed someone with the last name "Roddenberry".  I couldn't figure for the life of me where I have seen that name before.  

Finally, while watching a re-run of Star Trek, I noticed the producer at the end of the credits read Gene Roddenberry.  I went to church and asked Tom Roddenberry if he was related.  He was his cousin and he knew him well enough, being that he grew up with him, to just call him out of the blue. 

Since I was already cementing my love for film by this age, I made up a reason for needing to talk to Gene.  I had a film class I was taking in High School (the only one ever in my part of South Texas), and I decided to do a paper on him.

To set this up, this all happened in 1982, right before Star Trek II was being released.

So, a date was set for me to receive his phone call.  I got home from school and the phone rang.  Weirdly, it was a woman named Susan Sackett.  The reason it's weird is that besides being Gene's assistant, she went on to write many episodes of The Next Generation.  

Gene came on the line and all of a sudden I was tongue tied.  It took a few minutes for me to remember why I was actually calling him.  Finally I got my composure and got to the basic questions, how he started, what did he do besides Star Trek, how do you like your eggs.

I asked about the rumor going around that Spock is going to die in this film.  He said it was true, that Nimoy wanted to move on.  In fact, he went into how he wanted to make 5 or 6 movies, kill off or retire each crew member, but then have them replaced.  Then he would start the TV show over again with new people that the audience could appreciate.

This is 5 years before The Next Generation, and obviously all that didn't happen.  Fans were mad that Spock would die, Star Trek II became a big hit and (the rest you can either figure out or read on-line).

Since that phone call, I received several Star Trek things with Gene Roddenberry's signature on them, as well as a costume off of the rack of the first Star Trek film.  Gene definitely loved his fans.

From that experience, growing up in South Texas, where film making was far from present, a seed was planted in me that continues to grow to this day.  I will always have a space for Star Trek (no pun intended).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Photos of Opponent to Gay Marriage found TOPLESS - (thanks to Iowahawk)

I saw this and couldn't pass up putting this on my blog.  I have to thank a blogger known as Iowahawk for putting this on his site.  

I figured it spoke volumes to the hypocrisy of those on the left who continue to trash Miss California for her opinion.  It is a typical example how media destroys people if they don't like them.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I was thinking back about the events that have transpired since the Miss USA runner-up gave her honest answer to Perez Hilton about her opinion on gay marriage.  I have a personal issue with this, so I figured I would weigh in.

First mistake was Perez Hilton asking the question.  I always thought that these pageants are supposed to be political-free and bring people together for a common cause, "world peace" we can all agree on.  Evidently, Perez felt that talking about gay marriage was going to "bring people together".  He should have known better. 

Second, why use Perez Hilton as a judge? Who is Perez Hilton anyway?  Is he related to Paris Hilton?  Is he an actor? Has he been in any films?  Has he written some thought-provoking book?   Some people these days, I wonder just how they get famous.

Thirdly, there are many in the gay community that feel that his "rant" afterwards was out of line and was even a set back in their mission.  I can understand that and let me explain.

Personally, I feel that there is no problem giving gays the same marriage opportunities as any heterosexual human being.  They are God's children too and I am sure he loves them just the same.  The problem with changing the idea of marriage and granting the same rights to gays is what you just saw in Perez Hilton (as well as many of the people protesting outside the church temples).   Look at how mad gays can get sometimes.  Look at the hatred and "take-overness" that can seem to come across when trying to make things "equal".  

I personally have a hard time "loving" someone that is forcing me to love them.  I know that's a stretch, but you know know what I mean.  Long term changes in society take time and need to be understood by all.  

I can see more now what the church was doing by giving their two cents in the matter in November.  There were church members that were concerned that giving gays the right to marriage would then force the church to marry gays in the temple, thus closing temples.  Then there were those on the other side of the issue that would say "that would never happen".

Now look at the protests afterwards.  Are you telling me that with as angry as the gay community gets they won't try to force the church to perform marriages?  Look at how they reacted.  You give them an inch, they will take a mile.  THAT is what I am afraid of.  

You work so hard to be tolerant that you get in trouble in the process.  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.  

Friday, April 17, 2009


When the new BYU Magazine, the magazine for alumni, came out with an article about "Will it Blend", there were numerous people who emailed, called or text me asking if I even had anything to do with "Will it Blend" (because even though I am an alumni, I am never mentioned).

So I figured I'd set the record straight...

I was hired around the same time as the marketing manager, George Wright, was hired, to produce training and promotional video material for the company.  About a year into our employment, George saw Tom blending a 2x4 as part of the strength and endurance test of the blenders.  George obviously saw this as an opportunity to show the power of the blender.

He came to me and asked me to videotape the blending of several crazy things.  From there, I jazzed up the proceedings by making it into a "game show" feel, with the campy music, the funny titles, etc.  Together, we would come up with funny lines, find new funny things to blend and bring the show to it's highest level.  But you have to admit, half of what makes the show popular are the things I do to it.

The toughest part for me is the credit that is being spread (or lack thereof).  George is the nicest guy in the world and a great boss to work for.  He is always upbeat and positive, a trait that I have always worked to gain, falling short sometimes.  But I also know he has an agenda to push himself in the light. 

I don't blame him at all.  I would probably do the same thing.  And I feel that has been a great step for Blendtec.  Anything to make Will it Blend popular, is only good for Blendtec and us keeping our jobs.

Why am I commenting on the BYU Magazine article?  George has done countless interviews, speeches and podcasts, mostly focusing on marketing and the like.  Because I am too busy trying to keep the videos coming, I don't have time to keep track of all the articles, but I will say from all I've seen, I am almost never present.

The articles will always go like this: "All it took for George Wright, marketing manager, was $50, a great product, a video camera and a great idea... that is what started Will it Blend".  (Oh, by the way, I'm the video camera.)  Honestly, I shoot, direct, edit and in most cases write the material for every Will it Blend (now at 100 episodes).  

And let's not forget Ray Hansen, our original web "master".  He came up with a lot of the jokes and was there for most of the filming for these great "masterpieces" of transmogrified art.

Yet, I have been left out of any trips to national television shows (Jay Leno, Today Show, QVC Etc), I have been excluded from any interviews (Wall Street Journal), I am hardly ever mentioned for the pieces I created that have become the most successful ad campaign in the history of the internet, earning a 700 percent increase in blender sales.

Don't get me wrong, I love George, I love Tom, always will.  Love my job.  I am trying to be humble about this, but it has become difficult.  For the 3 or 4 people who actually read this blog, thanks for letting me vent.  I will go back to work now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Don't really know what to make of this "warning".  

Department of Homeland Security has now sent out a notice to all police authorities to look out for extreme right-wing groups causing violence in the US.  They have included people who oppose abortion, illegal immigration, and don't like the current president imposing more governmental control.  It has categorized people with Christian view who "buy guns" and "store food".  They have also gone as far as including recent war veterans as a list of possible dangerous people.  

Honestly, all those issues are not right or left issues, just common sense.  But they have become politicized with a specific party.  (I honestly can't stand the Republican Party right now.) Shouldn't we just be on the lookout for anyone who causes these atrocious acts?

Besides the war vet and owning a gun... I guess I kind of fall in that category.  Does that mean if I express my opinion, I am a threat to Homeland Security? 

I wonder what damage I would do to the security of this nation... hmmm.

Write my opinion on this blog
Make a film that speaks how I feel 
Have a conversation about raising taxes
Watch Fox News (especially Red Eye, my new favorite show)
Put a flag up on my yard
Food storage (Oooo)

Pretty dangerous.  I hate even the thought that my opinion could eventually get me into trouble.  I understand that there are loonies in this world, but that would include right or left (ie, Peta), but for the government to single out these groups, in my opinion is fairly scary.  

In fact, I would venture to say that the ones that are extremists are the ones in the White House right now.  We are slowly (yet quickly) taking the steps that we were warned against in electing this clown and his bunch.  Socialism is now on the way.  

Funny how during the election talking about socialism was laughed at and "silly".  Now, in a new poll, only 56 percent of Americans would choose capitalism over socialism.  (What about the other 44 percent).  Socialism doesn't seem that bad.

I think we have become numb to the topics and favor flash over substance.  One-liners over real reading and studying of the topics.  

It has always been my theory that this is the reason people of the left rule Hollywood and the television media and conservatives rule talk radio.  When you spend 3 hrs a day talking about things, you can actually get to the truth of issues, with very little flash.  

If you "sing and dance" the issues, it doesn't matter if it is right or wrong, just simply how it "feels" at the time you watched it. That is why most people who voted for Obama didn't exactly know "what" they were voting for, they just wanted a change.  Yet when Palin came on the scene, no one fought against her principals, they voted against how she looks, or how she came across.  That's it!

This is why liberals can't make it in talk radio.  They have tried and failed.

Enough ranting, thank you for letting me indulge myself in my opinion.  After all, it is my blog, dang it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


First, I want to mention that we had just produced our 100th Will it Blend.  (Now I can produce the show with my eyes closed.) That might be it for a while.  

This time, Cosmo the Cougar came out and we produced a Will it Blend for Brigham Young University (where all of us graduated, ironically).  It will not be seen through our regular channels, but will be posted on our website under "friends of" and where ever BYU decides to put it (I think the Alumni section, BYU Magazine).  

Now, I am working on a DVD that will feature all 100 videos, including episodes that were not released through our regular channel, one's that were more for companies such as Novell and Alteris.  The DVD will also feature a documentary I am producing about the start of what some are calling "the most successful ad campaign on the Internet."  

Article after article, interview after interview denotes the success of Will it Blend to Blendtec and the use of the new social media.  I, myself, find the story behind the show more interesting then the videos themselves.  The series, now at about 200 million views, has driven sales up for the Total Blender by 700 percent, which is amazing in this economy.

We will still be producing an episode here and there, and I will still be working for Blendtec for as long as they need me.  But now I get into pre production mode on my next film, The Last Eagle Scout.  This will probably be a landmark turn for me, now that Will it Blend has helped pull me out of the doldrums of life and showed me that I can accomplish anything.  

I have been writing The Last Eagle Scout for about 6 years and was about to film it 4 years ago, but divorces and relocation created pitfalls and challenges that I never new existed.  Making films (not the crap you see on YouTube, but the real thought-provoking motion pictures) takes a lot out of you.  So you need to have all your ducks in a row before going through that again. 

The Last Eagle Scout will actually be my 4th feature film I have produced (3rd I have directed).  I hope to take the mistakes I have made from the earlier projects and make sure to do them all over again (just kidding).

This film follows a boy in the not-so-distant future who presumes himself the last kid receiving his eagle.  Political correctness has crept into every facet of society, mandating every move we make.  Boy Scouts becomes one of the last great American institutions that gets eliminated by popular opinion and the media... except for the Last Eagle Scout.

Fights ensue, protests are had, buildings are blown up (man, I am just sweating at the idea, I have to shoot all this).  But what fun we will have as we start filming in August.  Our objective is to get people to talk... talk about the difference between what is logical and what is absurd...  hopefully in a "sing and dance" fashion that our numbed minds have become accustomed to.

Will they blend?... That is the question.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Talked to Jeff in... well, where ever QVC is filmed (I am not at the event, too many things to do here at base camp). Looks like Tom and the Will it Blend team (minus me) will be on (starting tonight) at 12 midnight, 8 am, 9am, 12 noon, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and 11pm.  These are eastern times, so if you are in Utah (like many of us) it's minus 2 hours.

Also, I will be going to Las Vegas this weekend to celebrate my father's 80th birthday.  Wow.  It is not actually till May 5th, but he will be doing his "world tour" driving from Vegas to South Padre Island, Texas, to Richmond, Virginia and back, during his birthday.

His mission story is still on the docket to produce into a film.  We will pay more attention to that after The Last Eagle Scout, which we are scheduled to film in August.

Friday, March 27, 2009


On April Fool's Day, QVC will be getting a noise full of crazy blends from the blender man himself, Tom Dickson.  QVC has asked him to come show off the blender and we will be selling them on the QVC channel for the whole day.  

I hear the schedule is fairly brutal.  First he appears at midnight, morning of April 1, then at 8am and on an off all day till 11:00pm.  I think about 7 appearances.  But of course, they will be showing my work by playing scenes from Will it Blend.  

I will not be at the appearance, but I will be crossing my fingers that everything blends. (Sometimes it doesn't on live TV, probably why I hate live television). 

Friday, March 20, 2009


Yesterday, we filmed the latest Will it Blend, dealing with the Stimulus Package and the government bail outs.  We were a little concerned that we would be crossing ground that people might not like.  But I think it is apparent that most people are not in favor of the situation. Opinions are flying right and left, mis-information is all over the place and reactions are poor. This administration seems to handle the situation like a circus on the Jerry Springer Show. What's new.  We'll just keep on blending.


Yesterday, Stephanie and I filmed our new Will it Blend that has to do with the recent government bailouts.  My friend, Johnny Biscuit stopped by, which was cool for everyone.  He and his woman, Sue, filmed us making the latest Will it Blend epic, keeping to his on-going videolog of his travels.  I filmed a full Will it Blend with Johnny blending, what else... biscuits.

Biscuit is on an eternal traveling tour where he lives more on the road.  He is an awesome and talented comedian and we always wish him well in his endeavors. For more on The Biscuit visit his site

We will have video soon of his Blending of Buttery Blendtec Biscuits.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I went to my local Mormon Chapel last night to watch the fine youth of our ward give speeches on what they believe in.  It was a speech festival and it was good to see the future of our church express their thoughts and feelings.  

As I perused the hallway on my way to the chapel, I saw a print out of the churches stand on the recent issue about our temple ceremony being re-enacted on "Big Love".  

For those who don't know, it is a sacred ceremony that enhances our understanding and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  An irreverent way of putting it (and I can be fairly irreverent), it's a lot like a couples' sex life.  You sort of know what's going on, but you don't discuss it in public, except under the most sacred of circumstances.  

It's sacred, not secret.  You can read much of it in the Old Testament.  But a lot like sex, Hollywood holds nothing back to glamorize something sacred. Typical "genius's" who feel in order to "tell the story" they need to "show it all". 

Basically The Church's response to the matter (in my natural man's language): "Big deal". Or maybe it was more like "bring it on". Or something like that.  

In fact, The Church said nothing to the producers of Big Love (one of whom is Tom Hanks... get the connection.  His recent bull crap rant against the church for Prop 8).  Yet it is ironic that they would produce this episode, talk about it, and turn around and apologize... (yet they keep the episode as it is: that is called an un-apologetic, apology).  

But what are they exactly apologizing for?  

The LDS Church didn't even say anything about it before the apology.  This is a lesson to learn about marketing.  Make a wave where no wind is present.  The only way to do that is to paddle your own boat.  (Thanks, I made that up myself). 

I think The Church has handled this issue with class and dignity.  In this document, they gave recent examples of (1)Mitt Romney and Lawrence "tolerant-sphyncterboy" O'Donnell's rant against Mormons being racists, (2)being portrayed on South Park (who at the church office building watches South Park) and (3) our wonderful appearance (yet non-appearance) on many cable shows during the "stand-off" at a polygamist ranch in Texas.  

The Mormon Church went on to say that members are going to do what they do, but as for the church, they will remain silent.  I have to admit, I am having a hard time following that advice.  

Some days, I would love to just use my gifts that God gave me and start rants against the likes of Tom Hanks, Lawrence O'Donnell and others.  But I know we have to be civil and strive to be as the Savior.

If you remember, two weeks after the election, I went to San Francisco to YouTube Live and spent a day rehearsing Will it Blend next to the leaders of the TV show Mythbusters.  They were fans of Will it Blend and were very gracious and fun.... until we told them we were from Utah.  I would have loved to argue with them about the truth of the election, but I had to protect Blendtec and Will it Blend from the thousands of left-leaning YouTube stars who all claim to have a hand in electing Brarak Obama. (But it's the Church's fault for passing Prop 8, see what I mean?)

I guess we will see our youth grow up into what could be more "intolerance" in a so-called "tolerant" society.  I will imagine they will be very strong or they will be very weak.  Just like the parables where the Savior showed us this type of separation, always starting with "The Kingdom of God is like unto..." 

Ah, the fun of being Mormon in these latter days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


FINALLY, the video series we have been working on is live.  Well actually, we have a few more videos to finish, but you can learn more about South Padre Island, Texas, through this viral campaign that we put together.  Scott Christopher hosts this series as we visit all of the fun and interesting things you can see and do on the island.  Plus we talk about how the island is still very undeveloped and open for business.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Tom found his skis in the garage, but realized that with all this Global Warming, there was no more need for skis.

Ok, ok.  We have tried as an internet sensation to keep out of political stands and party affiliation. In all reality, some of our staff are mixed on the topics when it comes to politics.  But as far as Global Warming is concerned, we all agree.  

Especially living in Utah and having two record cold and snow winters in a row (and I can't wait for it to be over), I think we can take Global Warming for what it is... a religion.  In my sweet humble opinion, there is more physical proof there is a God then the notion that we are effecting the weather.  

Sure weather changes, but that's life. Get over it.  The only thing you can do to make it through "climate change" is built a bigger house, drive a car that can handle the weather and wear the appropriate clothing.  

I couldn't wait to do this blend.  It took a while because skis are not easy to blend, but what you saw is what really happened.  I admit to taking out a few metal pieces on the sides to allow the blend to speed up, but finally we did it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quoted in Mormon Times Article

Yours truly spent 4 days at the LDS Film Festival.  Ironically, I find it more inviting for me then going to Sundance, which happens around the same time.  Possibly because the theater they show all the films at are a mere 2 block from my house.  

Also, I enjoy meeting people who made the films and actors who performed in them (which was the main focus for me this time around, as I am finishing up casting for The Last Eagle Scout).  I have noticed more and more non-LDS themed films appearing.  Not that it is a bad thing, or even a good thing.  I look at LDS Cinema as simply this.... evolving.

Some people have complained about the quality of LDS Films (including Dutcher himself) and have bowed out of the genre.  My feeling is that (1) percentage wise, how many Hollywood films are just "great".  You could probably compare the same percentage of LDS films to the number of Hollywood film.  Second (2), I feel that we are simply evolving into newer uses of the medium.  

As an example, my new film, The Last Eagle Scout, is not LDS themed at all, in fact, it is more political and social.  But because my beginnings of feature film directing started in this genre, as well as many of my actors and crew participate in LDS Cinema, it could be categorized as an LDS Film.  

I think for LDS Cinema to survive, or at least to grow, it will need to "crossover".  This is what I talked about in this article in the Mormon Times.  I didn't know I was being quoted, but it was just fine for me.  What I also added, that wasn't quoted, was that if we are to make films with a larger outreach, we need to learn to "sing and dance" the message.  I think as Mormons, we are afraid to "sing and dance" the message because for some, it might lead to something immoral. Yet, we are the same society that will not blink an eye at buying the latest Indiana Jones, Star Wars or Batman films.  

If we are to make films that attract the audience, we need to "look" like the ones that are being bought.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hoooray for Hollywood... Jerks.

As much as I love movies and many of the people who work hard in the business, I sometimes can't stand the self-righteous sphincters who think they are all that.  For a group of people who are for equality and justice for all, some of them are the most un-equal people I have ever met.

In a time where we are hot after the CEO's of big companies (pre-bailout era) who would dare take a 10 million dollar bonus for running a large company.  Yet you don't see congressional hearings on how much Tom Hanks or George Clooney makes per film (20 million dollars for a mere couple months of pampered work).

Don't get me wrong, I think if you can legally find a way to make a lot of money in your profession, by all means go for it.  Just make sure when you point fingers, you level the playing field.

I remember the days where I thought it was glamorous to work on "Touched by and Angel" or "Dumb and Dumber" (we're talking early-mid 90's, I was a grip).  But I also remember the days when I had to sit on one side of the make-shift cafeteria during lunch while the talent sat on the other side, or their trailer.  And we were not allowed to talk to them.

My Hollywood days ended about 12 years ago on a long night of filming up Strawberry Lake in Utah on a film starring Gary Busey (don't remember the name).  I was working doing lighting for both the film itself, and in interview with the "stars" on Hollywood's Greatest Stunts.  It was nighttime and the interview had to be far away from the set.  I set up the interview and Gary finally showed up.  He had his sunglasses on, two chick by his side, and a cigar in his mouth.  For a moment, it was only him, his ho's and me. 
He looked at the chair... then looked around (at everyone but me), then asked "where's my chair?"  He repeated the question over and over, again looking everywhere but at my face, asking absolutely no one "where's my chair".

If I were a Hollywood wantabe, I probably would have said "oh, yes, Mr. Busey, I'll go find it for you, oh yes sir, what ever you say". But instead, because it was late and I was tired and had enough, I simply said, "get your own damn chair" and walked off.

And that was the last Hollywood film I ever worked on....

Gary, again looking every where but at me, repeated, "who is this guy!"  I was never fired.  It was a late night, I was doing double duty and we were all tired.  But I simply quit.

So there are two events this week that shows tolerance from the Hollywood establishment. 

First is Ashton Kutcher, who made that "pledge" to our illustrious president that he would make life a better day... then two weeks later, yelled at his neighbors' workers for hammering on the roof at 7:30 am.  (I don't have a link, but you will have to search the video).  

Then, just today, was released an audio clip from Batman actor, Christian (ironic) Bale (the sound man must have left the tape running), mouthing off to the Director of Photography.  I must warn you, it is foul.  But I don't care who you are, no one deserves that kind of treatment.  

Here is the clip.  Again, WARNING, it is foul.  The f-bomb about 37 times.

It brought me back to my Hollywood days.... and why I'm not there anymore.

Friday, January 30, 2009

WILL IT BLEND - Live on 2 morning shows in California

As usual, I was not there (no hint of jealousy), but here are two low-res videos of our appearance on two local Fox affiliate stations in California, one in San Diego and the other in Sacramento

Monday, January 26, 2009


As the LDS Film Festival ends, it was amazing to see the evolution of LDS Cinema and where it looks like it is going.  It was fun to see good projects like "Food Boy" and Rob Diamond's "Once Upon a Summer".  I hope all filmmakers can successfully get their films distributed and can move on to other projects.  

As for me, other then the fun we had with the 24 HR Film Competition (which we were disqualified, because I had gone past the limited 5 people per project rule, my fault) I had nothing to offer this year.  I spent the whole festival searching for actors on my next project.  We also watched some of the actors that I tested during the auditions in other roles.  It was pretty inspiring.  

My wife, Stephanie, producer Danna and my son Parke  and I all walked away from watching 20 films, inspired and challenged with the film we are about to produce.  I wish I could explain it, but time will have to tell on that one.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The quality is still not the caliber I want it to be, but I can't seem to figure YouTube's new HD system.  But here is the film.  Enjoy the Cheeze!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sorry, but be patient with us as we figure why the image of The Bishop's Office is so crappy on YouTube.


Here is a funny photo from Alaska.  Someone carved a 5 ton ice statue of Al Gore shivering in the snow. The story behind it is a local business man is inviting Al Gore to Fairbanks to discuss his theories on Global Warming in record cold temperatures.  Of course, the wussy won't show.  Read here

THE BISHOPS OFFICE is now available on YouTube!

This was a film we wrote, filmed, and edited in 24hrs for the LDS Film Festival for the 24hr competition. I notice the video resolution is not all there, we will repost it soon. but until then,  check out the Cheeze!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 24 hr Film Marathon

Steph, Ray and I produced, wrote and edited a short film in 24hrs (the 24hr Film Marathon, part of the LDS Film Festival). Our entry this year was a mock on The Office, called The Bishop's Office.  Stars yours truly (showing my lack of talent behind the lens) and Ray and Steph, also Parke and Forrest pitched in with award winning performances. Ray's friend Doug Barlow helped with the music and his acting abilities as well.  All in all, it was fun and that's what matters.  I will post the final in a day or so. 

Friday, January 16, 2009


Here is a dumbass comment from America's favorite actor.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I laughed so hard, I couldn't catch my breath at this article.  Usually I wouldn't tie into something like this, but I couldn't help it.  It is a new site called "Big Hollywood".  If you can stomach the politics in it, you might find this funny. 

Monday, January 12, 2009


Saturday was the third, and possibly final, day of auditions for The Last Eagle Scout.  I will do probably some one-on-ones for a while, but for now, we pulled from a really good crop of talent from numerous agencies that worked well with me, such as Knightstar (thanks Liz), TMG (thanks Vicki), Craze, Focus, McCarty as well as some independents.

There is some great talent out there, I feel, just waiting for some kind of role or roles for them to be a part of.  Saturday alone, Danna Tanner and I waded through nearly 60 people all day long.  I tried to spend time having each read a full scene or two, and mostly pairing up with other people to see how they looked, reacted, etc. 

Danna was especially awesome because, if it wasn't for her, I would have been a wreck. Constantly, there were at least 8 to 12 people in the lobby waiting to read.  So big thanks to Danna and to those who waited for possibly hours to come and read.

Danna had worked with me nearly 20 years ago on a short film called "Three Marbles" which I shared credit with others as my student film.  So it has been nearly 20 years.  I forgot how efficient she was (all that ADD being put to good use).  

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Just got a link that shows Will it Blend as the best use of YouTube for marketing ever. We were up there with the "Got Milk" Campaign, Nike and others. Read the Link.