Monday, August 31, 2009


Wow... is all I can say. Many things changed for me on the making of this film. Not sure how to explain it. First off, I got so fatigued on this shoot that I fell asleep at 5pm on Saturday and didn't wake up till it was time for church the next day.

I also realized my limitations on film making and halfway through the film, I turned the cinematography over to Tahlee Booher, my long-time friend from college. I must say, with what I gave her to work with, she accomplished a lot. I officially decided to retire my Director of Photography status from film. I can occasionally shoot and will continue to do so for Blendtec, but otherwise, it wares me out. Plus I seem to be one of the older farts who can't seem to be up with the new production equipment fast enough because I am too busy creating stories and focusing on marketing.

I also have to give a lot of credit to my producer Danna Tanner, who held that production together with the scotch tape that I gave her. I am sure there were moments she wanted to strangle me for doing this or that. But all in all, we made it through.

Ironically, at the end of shooting, the bishopbric in my ward (church congregation) gave me a new calling... can you guess what it was? Scoutmaster.

We all laughed. My dad says that besides the bishopbric, the scoutmaster is about the busiest calling in the church. So many days outside of Sunday you have to work at it and pray for the support of the kids parents. I do love our boys. It's not a big troop and I have been scout master before. So it will be fun.

I was also amazed that I made it through the 4 week shoot. Everyone was awesome. I loved every actor and every crew member, it would not be fair to start naming names, but they know who they are. I was also sick everyday of the production. It was either fatigue or my throat hurt or sick to my stomach. Worrying about money, or time, this and that. Somehow things will turn out for the better when we get into post-production.

We have a preview circulating already that Dan Hollister has cut. He will be handling all our post. It's a great trailer, but we can't post it publicly because we have copy written music we don't have permission to use. It is mostly used to entice more investors and distributors.

That's the gig! If you are on Facebook, you will probably see the miriad of photos circulating. It is definitely an important film and will turn out well. Thanks to all, mostly my greatest crew member and cheerleader, my sweet wife, Stephanie.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Started August 3, filming till the 29th. I am sick to my stomach, but I seem to keep moving with someone on my back picking me up. I think I am a naturally lazy guy, I admit it. I love to sit around and think up great ideas, but want to see someone else execute them.

In all reality, my crew have been awesome! I would start naming names, but don't have the time to do so. The actors are incredible as well. I think most people around feel something special that we are producing. Most people working with me will whisper in my ear "we've been needing something like this".

That is a great testament to me. But I do have to realize one thing.... I am not making films for film makers. They come to get the free showing at the premiere, get the free DVD for their reel. I am making this film for the audience that actually pays the bills. Who are seeking the entertainment they are willing to spend money on, and waste their time watching my vision. It is all about them. I hope I serve them well.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Stephanie had the chance to attend an acting workshop for two days with Richard Hatch. For Stephanie, on the acting side, it was an amazing experience. (I was busy trying to get a film ready, so all I could do is let them in the door of the Creative Media Group stage).

After it was over, they went to dinner. I went and got Parke and his friend and we joined them at Applebees's. Richard and I talked the whole time (I felt bad I hogged his time). I am not one that can go and schmooz with the "stars". I'm honestly not very good at that. But Richard was very easy to talk to and he was very interested in what I was doing. I told him about Will it Blend and The Last Eagle Scout. He liked films with political undertones in it, and we agreed with a few issues, like the bailouts.

He is also a big fan of independent film and loves to see people get creative. He is starting a new reality shot called "What the Frack", something like that. It follows the underbelly of Hollywood.

Anyway, the first day of shooting The Last Eagle Scout is tomorrow. I have been sick for days and weeks, trying to get this film off the ground. There is so much to do. But between talking to Richard Hatch and talking to my dad tonight have both been inspiring. My dad told me the sick feeling is normal for anyone trying to risk moving on to better things. He gives me the regular advise he has always giving me for years... be of good cheer.