Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Talked to Jeff in... well, where ever QVC is filmed (I am not at the event, too many things to do here at base camp). Looks like Tom and the Will it Blend team (minus me) will be on (starting tonight) at 12 midnight, 8 am, 9am, 12 noon, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and 11pm.  These are eastern times, so if you are in Utah (like many of us) it's minus 2 hours.

Also, I will be going to Las Vegas this weekend to celebrate my father's 80th birthday.  Wow.  It is not actually till May 5th, but he will be doing his "world tour" driving from Vegas to South Padre Island, Texas, to Richmond, Virginia and back, during his birthday.

His mission story is still on the docket to produce into a film.  We will pay more attention to that after The Last Eagle Scout, which we are scheduled to film in August.

Friday, March 27, 2009


On April Fool's Day, QVC will be getting a noise full of crazy blends from the blender man himself, Tom Dickson.  QVC has asked him to come show off the blender and we will be selling them on the QVC channel for the whole day.  

I hear the schedule is fairly brutal.  First he appears at midnight, morning of April 1, then at 8am and on an off all day till 11:00pm.  I think about 7 appearances.  But of course, they will be showing my work by playing scenes from Will it Blend.  

I will not be at the appearance, but I will be crossing my fingers that everything blends. (Sometimes it doesn't on live TV, probably why I hate live television). 

Friday, March 20, 2009


Yesterday, we filmed the latest Will it Blend, dealing with the Stimulus Package and the government bail outs.  We were a little concerned that we would be crossing ground that people might not like.  But I think it is apparent that most people are not in favor of the situation. Opinions are flying right and left, mis-information is all over the place and reactions are poor. This administration seems to handle the situation like a circus on the Jerry Springer Show. What's new.  We'll just keep on blending.


Yesterday, Stephanie and I filmed our new Will it Blend that has to do with the recent government bailouts.  My friend, Johnny Biscuit stopped by, which was cool for everyone.  He and his woman, Sue, filmed us making the latest Will it Blend epic, keeping to his on-going videolog of his travels.  I filmed a full Will it Blend with Johnny blending, what else... biscuits.

Biscuit is on an eternal traveling tour where he lives more on the road.  He is an awesome and talented comedian and we always wish him well in his endeavors. For more on The Biscuit visit his site

We will have video soon of his Blending of Buttery Blendtec Biscuits.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I went to my local Mormon Chapel last night to watch the fine youth of our ward give speeches on what they believe in.  It was a speech festival and it was good to see the future of our church express their thoughts and feelings.  

As I perused the hallway on my way to the chapel, I saw a print out of the churches stand on the recent issue about our temple ceremony being re-enacted on "Big Love".  

For those who don't know, it is a sacred ceremony that enhances our understanding and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  An irreverent way of putting it (and I can be fairly irreverent), it's a lot like a couples' sex life.  You sort of know what's going on, but you don't discuss it in public, except under the most sacred of circumstances.  

It's sacred, not secret.  You can read much of it in the Old Testament.  But a lot like sex, Hollywood holds nothing back to glamorize something sacred. Typical "genius's" who feel in order to "tell the story" they need to "show it all". 

Basically The Church's response to the matter (in my natural man's language): "Big deal". Or maybe it was more like "bring it on". Or something like that.  

In fact, The Church said nothing to the producers of Big Love (one of whom is Tom Hanks... get the connection.  His recent bull crap rant against the church for Prop 8).  Yet it is ironic that they would produce this episode, talk about it, and turn around and apologize... (yet they keep the episode as it is: that is called an un-apologetic, apology).  

But what are they exactly apologizing for?  

The LDS Church didn't even say anything about it before the apology.  This is a lesson to learn about marketing.  Make a wave where no wind is present.  The only way to do that is to paddle your own boat.  (Thanks, I made that up myself). 

I think The Church has handled this issue with class and dignity.  In this document, they gave recent examples of (1)Mitt Romney and Lawrence "tolerant-sphyncterboy" O'Donnell's rant against Mormons being racists, (2)being portrayed on South Park (who at the church office building watches South Park) and (3) our wonderful appearance (yet non-appearance) on many cable shows during the "stand-off" at a polygamist ranch in Texas.  

The Mormon Church went on to say that members are going to do what they do, but as for the church, they will remain silent.  I have to admit, I am having a hard time following that advice.  

Some days, I would love to just use my gifts that God gave me and start rants against the likes of Tom Hanks, Lawrence O'Donnell and others.  But I know we have to be civil and strive to be as the Savior.

If you remember, two weeks after the election, I went to San Francisco to YouTube Live and spent a day rehearsing Will it Blend next to the leaders of the TV show Mythbusters.  They were fans of Will it Blend and were very gracious and fun.... until we told them we were from Utah.  I would have loved to argue with them about the truth of the election, but I had to protect Blendtec and Will it Blend from the thousands of left-leaning YouTube stars who all claim to have a hand in electing Brarak Obama. (But it's the Church's fault for passing Prop 8, see what I mean?)

I guess we will see our youth grow up into what could be more "intolerance" in a so-called "tolerant" society.  I will imagine they will be very strong or they will be very weak.  Just like the parables where the Savior showed us this type of separation, always starting with "The Kingdom of God is like unto..." 

Ah, the fun of being Mormon in these latter days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


FINALLY, the video series we have been working on is live.  Well actually, we have a few more videos to finish, but you can learn more about South Padre Island, Texas, through this viral campaign that we put together.  Scott Christopher hosts this series as we visit all of the fun and interesting things you can see and do on the island.  Plus we talk about how the island is still very undeveloped and open for business.