Sunday, April 28, 2013

Think and Grow Rich/Instant Motivator-FAITH

This principle can seem a little redundant, but it all relies on this. This first principle we talked about earlier, burning desire, is where the seed is planted. Faith is where the first jump or leap is taken from that burning desire.

Many may have had burning desires for years and years, but never move. I have seen for years, in my profession, people coming to me with a burning desire to make a film. I know, I've been there. I've dreamed, I've researched, I've talked, I've written, but I could never get past that threshold of action, mostly because I didn't have real faith.

Faith itself, is usually a belief, whether it be religious or otherwise. But it's not real faith unless action is attached. Consider faith a verb. If no action is involved, it is merely hope. This concept can be religious as well. The Bible talks of faith the size of a mustard seed moving mountains. The Book of Mormon even talks of faith "starting as a little seed" and then growing inside of you toward becoming a "perfect knowledge".

Napoleon Hill talks about faith being a state of mind that may be induced by affirmations or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind.

Earl Nightingale says that if you get a mental image of yourself in whatever position you wish to be in over and over again, you can muster the faith you need.

As a personal note, I must say, this really works. Find daily habits that help you remind yourself of where you need to be. Say to yourself daily who you really are and where you want be in life. If you feel you have really done the work you need to get where you want to be, then your faith should kick in. This leads into the scripture "faith, without works, is dead".


Monday, April 15, 2013


In the audio recording of "Think and Grow Rich: Instant Motivator", Earl Nightingale starts with the first principle of Napoleon Hill's book, known as burning desire.

If a person is actually ready to change things in his life, he would be a changed man after reading this book. But the emphasis is on "ready to change". Earl states that "a burning desire is nothing more than an actual picture of what you will one day become".

If you have nothing to look to, then you really have no desire. Anyone who wants something can get it if he wants it badly enough. Recently, I followed a friend on Facebook who took the same leap of faith I just took by leaving his job and going out on his own, pushing his recording company. It is fun to read his posts, almost daily, because you can feel his "burning desire" in his words. You can tell he "felt it", and is ready to make things happen.

Earl goes on to say that if you go after something cautiously, timidly, you don't have a burning desire at all. Not that you go nuts and put your family and faith at risk, but you simply get off of first base and run to second. Obviously, I include The Lord in these decisions. But I think The Lord only wants you to succeed, when you in the right frame of mind. The parable of the talents is a perfect example.

The other thing, I've added myself, is depending on what it is you desire (and remember, it may not always be money), you have to let go any issues you have with achieving the goal. If you put down others for having what it is you truly desire, don't expect it yourself. Thus, causing you to wallow in your own worry or even jealousy. If you desire more money, don't protest the other guy who has more than you. Let yourself go of these jealousies and even celebrate their achievements. I used to be jealous of others, mostly those who I mentored in my field, only to watch them pass me up in success. But when I learned to let go and realize that all our successes are different, I started to change my thinking, and eventually, realize I was successful in my own right, with more to come.

Will it Blend, for example, I could never really deem that a "cinematic masterpiece achievement", but in viewership on YouTube, I could boast more views than all my friends put together. Over 300 million. My desire is to go to the next level, and celebrate success like that of my peers.

So if you have a burning desire to move on something that has been tugging at you, move on with it and never look back. Now is the time.