So this morning I got up at 5:30 so Parke and I go on our workout (Blendtec has a gym, and we are usually there alone for the first little while). I get on my laptop and load the new WILL IT BLEND with a parody of the Old Spice ads.
As I spoke in my last entry, I was not very big on doing this one. One of the reasons is that for many people, the Old Spice ads are old and "done", but for many others it is still fresh in their minds. So making the video was rather fun and also very busy. It took longer then most, mostly because of the eye-popping effects (which were still cheesy, but fun).
As viral as things go, only hours after posting the videos and were were already a talk on many web sites' minds. Here are a few link to places that already had us up and we have only been up for about 6 hours.
I am not expecting you to go visit all these, most are crap and I don't really pay attention. Plus I have never heard of any of these sites. But it goes to show you how viral works.