Another blend came along last week in the form of Doctor Who. This is actually our friend David, who is known as Sebastian J Brook on the Doctor Who on-line site. It started as a fan site back in 1997, but it is the biggest Dr Who fan site in the world, to the point where it is sort of the official stop for Dr Who fans.
As a kid, I remember Doctor Who, but rarely watched episodes. The connection I did make was my neighbor from across the street, Tara Carstensen. Her and I were friends from the time I moved to Texas from Virginia in 1977, I was 10 years old. I started to get into Star Wars and Star Trek, and our friend, Rudy, started the Star Trek fan club down there.
South Texas was not exactly a hub of Science Fiction at the time, but there were those few fans who were faithful. Tara gained way into Doctor Who with the advent of cable television and she was on her way. She had curly hair, so she let it grow out to look like the Tom Baker Dr Who, so that is what I remember. She always walked around in the signature hat and scarf, knowing good and well that others around her (in South Texas in the early 80's) had no idea what she was trying to look like.
The only connection I had was I loved making movies. I was never a Trekkie in a sense where I spoke Klingon, but I became more and more a fan as the years went by.
So to dedicate to my friend Tara Carstensen, here is WILL IT BLEND-DOCTOR WHO.