Monday, November 24, 2008

YouTube Live: People we met.

If you are familiar with YouTube, you might notice other celebreties from YouTube, such as LisaNova, What the Buck, Barats and Bereta, Free Hugs and Funtwo.  I was especially excited for Funtwo because I was a fairly humble guy who amazingly plays Canon on his guitar.  He got to perform with Joe Satriani.  It was an awesome set.

YouTube Live! Mythbusters

I think besides Tom Dickson, I felt I was the oldest guy there.  YouTube put on their first live show in San Francisco.  Of course what would a YouTube event be without Will it Blend.  We met many people who produce and post videos with a large series of fans.  These are people you probably wouldn't know, but because of our involvement with YouTube, we knew.  Tom Dickson did great doing a skit with Chad Vader, (A series about the not-so successful brother of Darth Vader).  The things blended well and the audience loved it.  You can see the video here.
The best experience was meeting members of the Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie.  Through our mutual friend Kristin who works for Discovery, we were able to talk to the guys several times during the rehearsals.  Come to find out, Adam is a fan of Will it Blend (I have it on video to prove it, will post later when I edit it).  That was cool.  They also said that they go through a blender a month in their shop.  So we have offered to supply them with blenders.  They have also invited us to their shop if we are ever in town again.  

Friday, November 21, 2008


George, Stephanie and I stopped in and recieved wonderful treatment at the Google Plex just outside of San Fransisco. George did most of the talking, he's the man. I simply looked pretty and answered a few questions (the strong silent type, ya know). The atmosphere at Google is amazing. I think I was the oldest one there. They have cafeterias where the employees eat for free. We were invited and they had chefs making fresh sushi (coudn't resist). Not the normal hamburgers and pizza you would see in a high school cafeteria. It almost felt light a college campus. Technology everywhere. We arenow waiting for our rehersal for YouTube live. I have an in with Discovery and we have a chance at meeting the Mythbusters here. Cool!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am taking Stephanie with me to San Francisco to the YouTube Live event (that is if we don't get booed, for some funny reason).  We are going with George and Tom to do a skit with Chad Vader, who also has a large presence on YouTube.  I will be taking my new laptop with me, so we will take pictures and load photos while we are there.  George and I are also speaking at Google, which is near by.  We will be touring the location where "it all happens" and speak at the Google-plex.  I hear it is a pretty high tech environment and no one there is over 30.  (I also heard they keep a 40 year old around just to legitimize their business).  Look for us live on YouTube Saturday Nov. 22 at 8pm eastern.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Missing Blog...

I had sent an e-mail to many friends about a current topic, but have since pulled the blog I made. If you wish to read the blog, and find out why I pulled it,  contact me directly.  For now, I will put up a nice picture of me and Steph standing by a sunrise at South Padre Island.