Friday, August 22, 2008


I call her "my little artist".  I guess being an artist myself, I can't help but to "understand" how she works.  Steph is actually a children's book illustrator and a muralist.  She is really good at what she does.  We also both have ADD.  We can't focus (except on each other) and we both hate paperwork.  But that's what makes her so "cute".  Here she is wearing a Rush t-shirt.  We have been married 2 years now and when I dated her, she had this shirt on one day.  Being a Rush fan, I couldn't believe she had a shirt with the classic Rush logo on.  Most girls don't wear Rush gear. But the truth came out that she didn't even know what "Rush" was.  She just found the shirt left over in one of the places she lived and she liked the pink color.  I have since indoctrinated her to the Rush way of life and took her to the Snakes and Arrows tour.  She's not big on the guitar solos, but loved the drum solo and "played the part" of enjoying the concert with me and the boys.

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