Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Phoenix part 2

I have been here for about 4 days and it has been interesting.  In the above picture is Robyn Openshaw, otherwise known as the Green Smoothie Girl.  She has been studying under Doctor Lodi at the Oasis of Healing while mom (on the right) checks herself in.  It has not been easy for mom, a 76 year old woman having to change her eating habits in order to save her life from the ovarian cancer she was diagnosed with 2 years ago.  She went through 3 rounds of chemo and it did nothing but make her feel crappier.

So we are now here where mom is handed a green drink every morning and a smoothie later in the day.  They do give her some kind of something to eat for dinner, but I wouldn't have the patience.  Some of it is actually not bad, and I think this is the best thing for her right now.  I am learning as much as I can in the case that Steph or I get in this situation.  NO chemo, I am dead set against it.

We have met a number of people with illnesses that are serious, cancer and leukemia.  One woman in particular, Christine is a beautiful 40 year old woman with a family of 4 children and she runs several business.  When she found a lump in her breast a few months ago, she chose to come here rather then go through chemo or radiation.  It has made her come closer to her family and to God.

The doctor gave us a great speech about his mission.  Dr. Lodi is an interesting fellow and he definitely IS on a mission. I will not be surprised his life will be made into a movie.  He told us tonight how he has no friends because he lives what he believes.  He feels doctors are living a lie (not all intentionally) and quit his own practice to focus on helping people with cancer naturally.  In his personal life, he has a fiancee who is dying of cancer herself and will not go the natural way, but is on chemo.  But she's dying of the chemo.  So his mission has become personal.

Robyn has been checked in as if she was a cancer patient herself, so she is doing pretty much everything that my mother is doing.  She understands much more how this all works (plus she is very adaptive to the food and green smoothies and juices they are providing).   She has been learning a lot and I am honored to be here filming all of this.

Oh.. and I miss my wife.  Love you Steph.

More later...

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