Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day... and the death of the Incandescent Light Bulb

This picture was taken last night just hours after getting my new bifocals. Can't believe I now have my "old man" glasses. I can't reveal my age, but as a hint, I was born the same year Israel changed it's borders (little political junkie moment there).

This year will be interesting. Still have not released THE LAST EAGLE SCOUT yet, but that time is soon coming. It's a little difficult because it has been soooo long. Especially for a film that is not that large in scope. It's only large in message. Having a day job has made it difficult, but I gotta keep both trains running.

Stephanie finally got the understanding to my pains when I told her its like "being 9 months pregnant for a whole year". I finished editing the film back in June, but everyone else (music, effects, etc) have been slow. Some of it is my fault. I would keep telling my post-guys "it's coming, it's coming" for like a whole year.

Anyway, the LDS Film Festival is approaching in 4 weeks and I am, thinking it is showing there, but never really heard from Christian yet as to whether he will show this political/social monstrosity or not. CPAC is currently looking at showing the film at their convention in February.

TLES is honestly the first of its kind. A social commentary that leans to the other side. When you see social commentary films of today it is usually having to do with race (whites are usually the bad guy) or big business (rich are the bad guys) or gender (the poor picked on gay guy) or the environment (evil humans picking on the poor little animals) or the Iraq War. And in many cases, these social commentary films are in the form of light-hearted entertaining pieces, many geared toward the kids.

My focus is on how political correctness runs our lives. I am tired of walking on egg shells and plan on saying it "like it is" more often. Today marks the first day that the incandescent light bulb will be banned. I personally don't care about which bulb I use, I just want the dang light. But what I care about is the concept that it took false environmental science to get us to this point. So what other false data will run our lives in the name of "saving us from ourselves"?

As far as TLES, in about 4 weeks we will have a completed film and some spiffs to boot. The whole objective is to make TLES somewhat of a movement. TLES represents a people or an idea, to live of the ideas of the past that were simple... respect, honesty, love of God and country. So the phrase "I've seen The Last Eagle Scout" will be not only seeing the film, but catching on the vision of living a more honest life like that of a Boy Scout.

I am planning a host of film gear such as shirts, hats, a backpack, bumper sticker and a comic book of the film. On the website will be a "trading post" where you can purchase these items, or we will sell them at places where we will show the film.

This will be an interesting year. I wish the best for all of you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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